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My name is Khong Sheng. 17 yrs old. IJC 0823A. lol

March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 November 2008 December 2008
Blogspot Blogskins Candice
Gwynna(peifen :D)
Ian Low
Monkey DoOo
Natalie(its a fruit!)

My Friendster
My Sister's ROM photos
0823A blog

Designer: Exposed & SW
Images: Heroes Pictures
Brushes: 8nero
Textures: CS.net
Hero - Mariah Carey

Saturday, December 27, 2008 Back with cold sweat

Hi people! I'm finally back to this piece of hot humid land from the cold, snowing place. heheheh. Anyway, let's give a brief description about the trip over there. I took a flight at Tokyo Narita International Airport, and then a connecting flight to Hokkaido Chitose Airport. During these period, it was snowing almost everyday, heavier as time passes. You can say its wonderful and fun, as its snow playing time, or rather its terrible, because the heavy snow is quite irritating when lots of them landed into your eyes.
The first day, or rather the 1st night, its nothing but raining. The snow started on the 2nd day. The tour guide of this tour is really a nice guy. "nice" in a way that he did not allow us to sleep on the bus! LOL. That's because he wanted to tell us the history of Japan. Woo~ That's cool. There were some things that I was taught before but forgot. There were others which I had never heard before. Therefore, its a direct gain of more knowledge! =D

Fish that look like angels =)

Oh ya, not to forget the Kobe beef and the Dancing Abalone!!! YAY!!! YuMMy!!!! haha

Kobe Beef

Kobe Beef with different lighting

Dancing Abalones!

The 3rd day, its nth but fun! XD Snowmobile!!! Its a kind of motorized jet ski. Its damn cool man! Initially, i couldn't control it well because its something new to me. But as I rode past the mountains, I soon got the hang of it and I simply breezed thru the mountain paths! WooHoo!!! SHIOK! Hahahas! Upslope and Downslope! Weeee!!

Oh ya, on christmas eve, young jap ppl who are seldom seen in public showed up to see fireworks and lighting-up of Xmas tree. Saw many Kawaii~ gals and many cool guys over there. bwahahaha. What an eye-massage man haha. Gavin and Nat dun be jealous hor!!! =P

Something weird i discovered over there is they don't recognize Xmas as a public holiday although they do celebrate christmas. People carried on going for work as usual, sturdents rushing to school every morning. Well, maybe that's their culture.

Met something pissed on the last day. In the morning, terribly strong wind blew in all directions, switching from the east to north, north to south, south to west and vice versa every minute. Furthermore it was snowing. My fingertips almost reaching frozebite condition just to snap some photos. On the way to the airport, we had news of a possibly of flight cancelled due to heavy snow. Initially we thought the tour guide was joking but as the bus moved towards Sapporo and Chitose, the snow condition turned worse, much worse than I have seen for the past few days there. Oncoming vehicles were stacked with heap piles of snow and ice. Snowing clearing vehicles are dispatched to clear the thick snow on the roads, expressways closed due to excessive snow on the roads, threatening vehicles to drive there. When we reached the airport, moving luggages out of the bus were difficult too.

In the airport, everyone was feeling rather uneasy, as we prayed for a miracle to happen. True enough, the miracle did happen. In an hour's time, the snowstorm subsided. Sun hanging high on the sky, shining brightly at the airport, melting the snow. With the help of the airport crew, the flight was announced to be delayed only 1.5 hours, from 1410 hrs to 1540 hrs.

Here come another problem, although the plane was able to fly, but the connecting flight in Tokyo back to Singapore was scheduled at 5pm. The time taken to fly from Hokkaido to Tokyo took 1.5 hours too. Were we able to make it? We started queueing up immedialtey the moment check-ins are available. Another good news came along. As long as we checked-in, the connecting flight was bound to wait for us, no matter how long it was. LOL. Poor passengers in the aircraft, waited for us for about 1 hour!! =P

Here comes the pissed matter, when we are waiting for our turn to scan our baggage and check-in, the airport security crew who were in charge scanning our baggage split our tour group into half and pushed the back half to another counter which was not opened yet. They said that this counter is closed and they would open up the other counter for us. But as soon as we leave the counter and waited for the other counter to be accessible, they reopened the previous counter and let the locals which were behind us to move in. What the hell was that? We waited much longer than the locals and shouldn't it be first come first served basis? Of course, this angered our tour guide. He quarelled with them and even raised his voice to request the locals let us go in first as he saw that those men over there wont let in.

The locals agreed and move backwards for us to check-in first. LOL. This seriously provoked the airport security crew. But we didnt give a damn. hahas. Pure nubs. XD. So after we reached Tokyo, a few of the flight stewardess of the connecting came looking for us anxiously. They moved us to a shortcut to the plane swiftly as we were already late for an hour. lol. Not only us, there were a total of 82 passengers missing from the flight. They had no choice but to wait for us. XD Felt so honoured. heheheh.

So that was how we came back to singapore, about three hours later than the estimated time. Heh. Met my senior Wei Bing along the way in both Hokkaido and Changi Airport. lol. He was one of the passengers on the plane waiting for us to board. HAR HAR HAR! =P *shiok shiok*

Try to upload more of the photos next time. We brought 4 cameras, including a professional camera. So lots of photos!!!!

Last post of the year 2008 woots!! hehehe...

Khong Sheng,
Signing off, Dec 2008.

save the cheerleader save the world @ 3:48 PM

Thursday, December 18, 2008 Awakened

after attending tuition for the past 3 days, i found out something, a scary truth about myself. I was really shocked when i discovered it. The truth is, i didnt even listen or understand what the lecturers tried to convey during school lectures. =( sigh. Today's tuition made me found out how simple chemical energetics is. Its just using all the same theory with simple calculations and common sense. sigh... I had really wasted one year of my life for nothing.... =(
Feeling sad now. Let's hope after tonight's sleep i would feel better...
Maybe i will do gavin's tag later if i feel like it. Don't worry gavin, i will surely do it. =/

save the cheerleader save the world @ 8:15 PM

Friday, December 12, 2008 life? 0.o

Its been 3 days after attending the everyday Chemistry tuition. For the 1st 2 days it was really bored. I was like day-dreaming all along, or should I say, Mind-wondering state. LOL.

I was like imagining i was chatting with my friend at some place when he suddenly exclaimed "COME ON, KICK MY ASS!"
"Show it to me then," I replied.
He sticks out his butt and here i go giving a mighty stomp on that fat piece of meat! Woo hoo! The result? A big and black shoe mark on his pants! WOW! Shiok! haha...
I know that's crazy. But you know, when someone is bored till in a mind-wondering state, any imagination could happen. Well, i dunno why i will imagine such dumb things. Heehee. Think is Nat teach me one.... *push blame push blame* LOL =P

Hey, but today's lesson is good. Another teacher came to teach us and I feel that it was really effective and useful to me. The teacher's method was like asking me to use my common sense to understand the topics taught today. It was as though there's a lighted bulb beside my head. LOL. Sadly, hes not gonna teach us again on Monday. Another teacher's coming in. =( sigh.... Worse still, i didnt get to know his name so i can go look for tuition lessons taught by him!!! ZZzzzZZzzzZ!!! Grrrrr!

Ks, sadly, signing off. >.<

save the cheerleader save the world @ 7:00 PM

Tuesday, December 9, 2008 lol....

Ok bah, due to popular demand, I am back to blog!!! lol. people have been telling me to start blogging again. Hmmmm, I never knew that i am such a good blogger. HeeHeeHee. =P well, what shld i talk about? mmmmm....

Well, just bought a new camera. *Click 'Canon IXUS 90 IS' Click* It is quite cool and fun to play with. Especially with the Digital Macro feature haha. Take a good look on my face blackheads!!! XD Now i know where should I aim to remove my blackheads and pimples. =D Bwahahahaha!!

Another major incident happened recently is the Solemnisation of my second sis and her bf, or should I say 2nd bro-in-law. lawl. Let's see if they will put it up on the net for everyone to see just like my eldest sis which see located there *looks at the links of my blog XD* Took quite an amount of funky shots there. heh. The photographer had rather *nice* luck over there. She dropped her camera flash into the water while trying to take a photo of us. lol. I bet that thing was sure a gone case after that. heeheheee. *$$$ flying away* =X

hmmmm... Going to hokkaido, japan soon, on the 20th -26th. Excited!!! I Want to eat their food over there!!! Especially seafood!!! Wahseh, just having the thought of sashimi and sushi just makes me drool all over wors.. Better than looking at hot women walking down the street lor. mwahaha. No pineapple spikes over there! Oops being random again. XD Well, heard that it very cold there. So mum bought me a new coat with fur. =.= WTH FUR?!?!? zzzzz looks gay to me leh. =S walau. but they said it could withstand to a temperature of -40 degree celsius. Wow? fine... wadeva... >=3

Oh ya, lol, from tml onwards, I'm gonna have a chemistry tuition camp till 19th dec. LOL 8 DAYS OF CHEMISTRY CONTINUOUSLY! BEAT THAT MAN! I will be soooooooooo bored to death la. Let's see how it goes bah, maybe quite fun leh, maybe can get to see some friends or make new ones leh? hur hur hur. =.=

Think i better stop blogging 1st. Walau, early in the morning(reaching noon) blog seems like i got no life like that leh. zzz. Nvm, let's see...

Later guys,
Ks Signing off. >=P

save the cheerleader save the world @ 10:35 AM

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 changed a new skin

decided to change a new skin... just got a feeling after so long nv update blog le shld also change the look bah. =/

During this period, many things happened. relationship of friends getting closer and closer each day as time passes. Formation of weird, unorthodox famillies started happening around my clique, I don't know why but what i can say is i enjoyed the days alot. The fact of being retained simply flares me off instantaneously. 1 more H1 pass and i m up to J2. WHAT THE HELL.. =.= I do not wish.... NO. I DO NOT WANT to even leave my clique at all. I DO NOT WANT my father to work for another year longer just to let me finish my education. I DO NOT WANT my parents and siblings to be worried of my studies anymore. I DO NOT WANT to waste another year just to relearn the topics which I already learnt in this year. I want to go up! I want to go up! >.<
Let's pray that my appeal would be a successful one. sigh..

Adam Khoo's motivational talk is somehow a fun thing. from this talk, i learnt lots of things, including life matters and crappy stuffs and jokes. Wow. Hope theres more coming along the way. =)

ECP outing, heheheh! ok la. At least i am STRONG enough not to get thrown into the sea by four men. Woohoo! MAcHO! =D In the end i walked into the sea myself. LOL. The path for the REAL MEN. BOOO-YEAH~~~ XD

Ok lah, next time then blog la. now 1am liao. siao liao. LOL. Good nights.

KS signing off..

save the cheerleader save the world @ 12:59 AM

Saturday, September 27, 2008 Happy birthday nat!

Woops! Its 11.45now... Still haven reach 12.00am. Means it is ur bdae. Haha. To the spikey and scary pineapple, i wish u a happy happy happy happy... bdae to you! XD after exams we go kbox i sing bdae song for u k? haha!!!
(woops that's gavin not u) LOL

save the cheerleader save the world @ 11:45 PM

George Carlin

I think this video is relli funny.

save the cheerleader save the world @ 3:36 PM

Friday, September 12, 2008 The tagged thing again.... =.=

1. The person who last tag you is:
Candice Lauren Garcia Balete. woohoo.
XD (Wayne)(Joey) (Me)

2. Your relationship with him/her is:
Friends, Classmates, Buddies, Brothers, Sisters, Gay-mates, Same identity. You name it, we got it. LOL jus joking. XD

3. Your five impressions of him/her:
~Emo! Definitely!
~Temperamental, still Emo!
~Very Emo, still temperamental and emo. XD
~Very very emo, still very emo, temperamental. and emo. XD
~Mugger! That's the important thing.

4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you:
hmmmm... Have u done any? XD Dun kill me pls. I relli cant think of any. I m relli dam sleepy. >.<

5. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you:
Awwwwwwww..... wadeva... o_0

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will:
Omg, i think i will just whine to her every second. LOL.

7. If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be:
Mood Swing? Her hair style? hmmm...

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will:
Shake my butt and tell her: try to kick my ass! =P LOL

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
When i own her flat in Word Challenge. LOL

10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
Buy her a pillow. Take care of ur back, gal! >.<

11. Your overall impression of him/her is:
lol. refer to Qn 3.

12. How do you think people around you feel about you?
Freak. I think candice and nat will be lyk nodding their heads profusely and repling in front of their com with a big YES.

13. The characters you love of yourself are:
Cautiousness. Playing safe.

14. On the contrary, the characters you hate about yourself are:
Laziness..... =.=

15. The most ideal person you want to be is:
Kenichi Shirahama. I can beat the crap out of everyone. XD

16. For people that care and like you, say something to them:
Hmmm. Thank you very much. ^^ U people rock my world! XD

17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you:
1) Samuel
2) Gavin
3) Joey
4) Wayne
5) Candice
6) Natalie
7) Germaine
8) Jia Hao
9) Gabriel Hong.... x)
10) Yu Ting

18. Who is 6 having a relationship with?
LOL. either with another fruit or the one above her. XD

19. Is 9 male or female?
Male. Its monkey dooo, coming to the rescue! Yoohoo!

20. If 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
hmmm. they r gals. LOL. not relli, one is a gal while the other is a germy foreign particle. Poor Yuting! XD

21. Tell me more about 7.
Alamak. How come this qn always come to her.... =.= Refer to the old tag. LOL. Its still the same. Beware of her diseases. Heard she added more to her inventory and start hunting. q(>.<)p

22. What is 2 studying about?
Food. Books on how to break his record of 3 Buddy meals. My suggestion: go try out party feast. one is enuff cos it takes up for 7-8 people. LOL

23. When was the last time you had a chat with 3?
When me and wayne were at the school bus stop with the construction workers repairing the gate.

24. What kind of music band does 8 like?
I m not sure. LOL maybe the school band. :)

25. Does 1 have any siblings?
Nope. Maybe he has one. You know hes a guy, he must have one. Figure out urself. XD

26. Will you woo 3?
OMG!!!!! This is MADNESS!(no, this is sparta!XD) No way that's gonna happen. Aniway I think HE will be the one wooing after everyone with his wonderful kisses and scares everyone away. LOL.

27. How did you get to know 6?
Hmmm.... Some fruit stall? I saw her being a poor little deserted fruit so i decided to plant her in innova junior college. LOL. think she will kill me with her spikes. No la, just my classmate. LOL. Can imagine the rolling-eyes face when Nat see the fruit stall.

28. Is 4 single?
Hmmm. Yea. Gals, pound on him! Mr. Lim says hes got a pretty face. LOL

29. What is the surname of 5?
Me. I m Balete Lim. LOL. Candice and her 3 clones, each with 1 of her name. LOL

30. What's the hobby of 4?
PSP, Dota, Collecting earphones?!?!? WTF? *shows the wtf hand sign*

31. Does 5 and 9 get along well?
They dun even know each other at the 1st place. hmmm. I think they would. Gabriel is a nice guy. I m sure if i intro candice to him, they will become gd buddies. ^^

32. Where is 2 studying at?
Innova Junior College Canteen. The selling food section. I know he had been complaining to the school why dun add a KFC in there. o.0

33. Talk something casually about 1:
He loves his friends. He loves God. Maybe he loves Mrs. Khoo since his chem is gd. XD

34. Have you tried developing feelings for 8?
Not till the day when i die. Seriously. Candice will be laughing.

35. Where does 9 live at?
Toa Payoh, Blk 2, the one near beatty secondary school. I wont disclose the unit. I will just say its near the fish head curry. YUM!(no wonder hes so smart. lol)

36.What colour does 3 like?
I think its green. All his crumpler items are green in colour.

37. Are 5 and 1 best friends?
If they know each other more, maybe they would. i dunno. I m not God or some stalker. Maybe they are ardy best friends. LOL

38. Does 1 have any pets?
Sam has pets? I bet the pet will die after 3 days. He will only care about Navyfield and the one he loves.(ur family of cos, and sOmEoNe eh....) *heh heh heh*

39. Is 7 the sexiest person in the world?
OMG!!!! *psychoing myself to say*: She's sexy... Shes sexy... Shes sexy... Man, this is just wrong. No way u see a germ as a sexy thing, let alone a person. lol. hmm. Okie, shes a hot and sexy germ. wow. *whistles* LOL

40. What is 10 doing now?
Mug Sleep Mug Sleep Mug Sleep Mug Sleep Mug Sleep. XD

save the cheerleader save the world @ 10:37 PM

Thursday, August 14, 2008

i dun understand y the photo is horizontal. i made it vertical ardly. this thing cant read. zzzz

save the cheerleader save the world @ 10:46 PM

A dumb tag thing.

Ten people to tag.
1. Yuting
2. Joey
3. Jia Hao
4. Gavin
5. Zhi hui
6. GERMaine
7. Candice
8. Sze Sing
9. Wayne
10. Nat

Is number 3 a male of a female?
hmmm... A extremely diffcult question. My answer is none, or both. Simply becoz its a freak. :)

Who is number 2 having a relationship with?
Everyone. He simply calls anyone he sees darling and attempt to kiss any poor soul who comes near him. That's frigging disgusting, seriously.

If number 7 and 10 were together would it be a good thing?
Why not? Wana see how pineapple got eaten up by pinoy. I bet the pineapple comes back with many holes. A "Holey" fruit. Oh ya, the pineapple reminds me of spongebob. Maybe candice can be the spongebob. Cos the song goes "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants!" (song reminded by wayne. nice job :D)

How about number 5 and 8?
I tot they were an item ardly? haha. jus jk XD

What is number 1 studying about?
Basically every subject. I bet her aim is to be a ultimate mugger.

When was the last time you had a chat with them?
1. The long long break, Aug 14
2. Before leaving school, Aug 14
3. Gp lecture, Aug 14
4. Yesterday Aug 13
5. PE, Aug 14
6. LOL. she is too SMALL to be seen. let alone talk to. XD
7. Just now GP lecture/ break, Aug 14
8. Yesterday Aug 13
9. Before leaving school, Aug 14
10. Before leaving school, Aug 14

Is number 4 single?
Definitely. He is still looking for someone who can finish 3 KFC buddy meals at one go to compete with. Maybe 4 sets to make him feel better. Lol.

Say something about number 6?
Errrmmm... hmmmm... Well, looking at the way i wrote her name u know what she is. Extremely harmful creature, make sure you have a strong immune system and covered with dettol before getting close to her. If not u might get infected with the 'germaine' disease. lol. ops! shes sooo gonna kill me. haha. XD

save the cheerleader save the world @ 9:41 PM